All of these costs are included in what you are paying. Our images are made using a scanner at very high resolution, exposing many minor flaws that are NOT visible to the human eye. On rare occasions, especially with pins that have gold and silver which may not scan well, I will use actual photographs. […]
The pin was part of the Phantom Manor event. This is a super jumbo pin I’m not kidding – this thing is huge! Then features the traditional Pin Trading Event design (just really, really large) with the center showing Donald Duck, Chip, Dale and Mickey Mouse as the Singing Busts. The pin is on its […]
All of these costs are included in what you are paying. Our images are made using a scanner at very high resolution, exposing many minor flaws that are NOT visible to the human eye. On rare occasions, especially with pins that have gold and silver which may not scan well, I will use actual photographs. […]
All of these costs are included in what you are paying. Our images are made using a scanner at very high resolution, exposing many minor flaws that are NOT visible to the human eye. On rare occasions, especially with pins that have gold and silver which may not scan well, I will use actual photographs. […]
All of these costs are included in what you are paying. Our images are made using a scanner at very high resolution, exposing many minor flaws that are NOT visible to the human eye. On rare occasions, especially with pins that have gold and silver which may not scan well, I will use actual photographs. […]